Your Guide On Making Perfect Homemade Pizza

Welcome to My Slice Of Pizza. This blog is dedicated to helping you make the best homemade pizza. Whether you are looking for recipes, tips or reviews of some of the best equipment such as Pizza Ovens, Peels, stones and more!

Recent posts

  • Is Pizza A Sandwich? Lets Get a Final Answer

    Have you ever asked “Is Pizza A Sandwich?”  If you think about it, defining what a sandwich is can be a bit of a gray area. Is it as simple as a filling between two slices of bread, or does it go beyond that? And if it is the former, does pizza, with its bread…

  • Pizza Dough Vs Bread Dough – What’s The Difference?

    When comparing Pizza dough vs Bread dough, the differences lie in their ingredients, moisture content, gluten formation, kneading process, fermentation, and cooking methods.

  • The Best Hawaiian Pizza Recipe

    If you’re a pizza lover, you’ve surely indulged in the delightful flavors of a Hawaiian pizza. The perfect combination of sweet and savory flavors, this pizza variety can transport you to a tropical paradise with just one bite.

  • Does Pineapple Belong on Pizza?

    Does Pineapple Belong on Pizza? The Great Debate Continues. The age-old debate on whether pineapple belongs on pizza continues to divide people across the globe.

  • how to layer a pizza

    Are you tired of just throwing your toppings on top of your pizza and hoping for the best?  Well, it’s time to take your pizza game to the next level by learning the art of layering pizza.  It’s important that you layer your toppings the right way, if not your pizza could end up being…

  • Best Outdoor Pizza Oven Table

    A pizza oven table is something that I started looking into not long after getting my Ooni Fyra. I knew pretty much straight away that I’d need a sturdy surface to cook on. I started trying to make pizza on a camping table…big mistake.  Everytime I’d launch a pizza or turn it around in the…

Pizza Equipment Guides

  • Best Outdoor Pizza Oven Table

    A pizza oven table is something that I started looking into not long after getting my Ooni Fyra. I knew pretty much straight away that I’d need a sturdy surface to cook on. I started trying to make pizza on a camping table…big mistake.  Everytime I’d launch a pizza or turn it around in the…

  • Best Pizza Ovens

    Do you love pizza? Of course you do! Who doesn’t love pizza? That’s why i’ve put together this comprehensive guide on the best pizza ovens so you can make the perfect pie at home. I’ll help you find the best pizza oven for your needs, so you can make perfect pizzas every time. Whether you…

  • Best wood fired pizza oven reviewed in 2022 [UPDATED]

    How would you like to make wood fired pizza that actually tastes better than any you’d get from a pizzeria? Honestly, it’s more than possible.  It is possible to make homemade pizza using wood, from the comfort of your own home. Imagine your friends’ faces when you pull out an amazing smelling pizza.  All you…

  • Best Pizza Peels Of 2022 [UPDATED]

    A pizza peel is an essential piece of equipment. Whether you’re using a pizza oven or normal oven, you NEED one. I have been making homemade pizza for a few years now (Friday night is pizza night!). My pizza making game completely changed and went up a level once I started using a pizza peel. When I…

  • Best Pizza Stone

    There is only one piece of equipment you need to create restaurant quality pizza…a pizza stone. How do you know which one to get? ( many different types are there!?!) I have written this pizza stone guide to help you. Not only will it show some recommendations but also give some tips on what to…


Who Is Behind My Slice Of Pizza?

Martyn is the founder and chief editor of My Slice Of Pizza. He started this site to showcase his love of pizza and passion for trying new things when it comes to making the perfect homemade pizza. 

He loves connecting with those that have the same passion and sharing anything new that he learns about making pizza. Here you will find recipes of some of the nicest pizzas, equipment recommendations and tips to help you. 

Pizza Ovens

  • Best Pizza Ovens

    Do you love pizza? Of course you do! Who doesn’t love pizza? That’s why i’ve put together this comprehensive guide on the best pizza ovens so you can make the perfect pie at home. I’ll help you find the best pizza oven for your needs, so you can make perfect pizzas every time. Whether you…

  • Ooni Koda Review

    The Ooni Koda is a gas powered pizza oven that i’ve been using for some time now. Its designed to cook homemade Neapolitan pizza in as little as 90 seconds. It reaches temperatures of over 800°F, allowing you to have the best pizza with the ease of portability.  It has many unique features to help…

  • Best wood fired pizza oven reviewed in 2022 [UPDATED]

    How would you like to make wood fired pizza that actually tastes better than any you’d get from a pizzeria? Honestly, it’s more than possible.  It is possible to make homemade pizza using wood, from the comfort of your own home. Imagine your friends’ faces when you pull out an amazing smelling pizza.  All you…

  • Ooni Fyra Pizza Oven Review

    If you are reading this, you probably want to know if it’s worth the money or not. I don’t blame you, I read so many reviews before I got one as well. I do actually use the Fyra Pizza Oven. In fact I have been using it for a few months. I wanted to use it first…

Pizza 101

  • Does Pineapple Belong On Pizza?

    Does Pineapple Belong on Pizza? The Great Debate Continues. The age-old debate on whether pineapple belongs on pizza continues to divide people across the globe.

  • How To Layer A Pizza

    Are you tired of just throwing your toppings on top of your pizza and hoping for the best?  Well, it’s time to take your pizza game to the next level by learning the art of layering pizza.  It’s important that you layer your toppings the right way, if not your pizza could end up being…

  • Is Neapolitan Pizza Healthy

    One of my go to meals is pizza, although when looking to be a bit healthier it’s not something that I get too often. That is unless I make myself a Neapolitan Pizza.  We often think that pizza is high in fat due to the dough, cheese and toppings. Neapolitan is however different.  It’s said…

  • What is old world pepperoni

    Do you love pepperoni on your pizza? If so, you’ll want to learn about Old World pepperoni. This type of pepperoni is made with a different recipe and can take your pepperoni pizza to the next level.

  • Pizza Size Chart - Does Pizza Size Matter

    Looking for a pizza size chart to help you work out how big your pizza should be? I’ve created one for you below. When it comes to pizza, size matters. Sure, you could buy two small pizzas, but you’ll end up paying more per square inch and you’ll probably be hungry afterwards. On the other…

  • How long to preheat pizza stone

    If you’re anything like me, you love pizza. And if you want to make the perfect pizza at home and you don’t have a pizza oven, you need a pizza stone. But how long should you preheat pizza stone? When you preheat your stone, you’re essentially giving it a head start on heat absorption. This…

  • Why pizza is called pizza

    What is in a name? That which we call a rose by any other word would smell as sweet. Shakespeare was a smart man, and he was correct (as usual). But what about pizza? What is in a name there? Does it still taste the same no matter what you call it? These are tough…

  • How long does pizza sauce last in the fridge

    Do you know how long does pizza sauce last in the fridge? Pizza Sauce will last 5-7 days in the fridge and up to 3 months if you freeze it. It’s not always as simple as that though. And I’ll tell you why below. The sauce is normally an afterthought when it comes to making…

  • pizza dough not stretchy (1)

    Is this sounding familiar: tight, dry, and hard pizza dough that won’t stretch? We’ve all encountered it at some point. So I spent some time researching what makes pizza dough stretchy. Here’s what I discovered – the key to easily stretchy pizza dough. The most common reason for a pizza dough’s lack of stretchiness is…